Living in Watermill for the past few months has taught me more than ever to never take for granted the beauty and tranquility of the outdoors or the simple pleasures of being with family. 
My daughters and their husbands have been staying with us for most of this time, which means Harvey David, my grandson, has de facto 4 moms and 4 dads. We all take turns watching him and when he doesn’t get what he wants he instinctively knows who to turn to: his Papa, aka David, with his arms outstretched, willing him to get picked up.
I love this life. Deep down, I selfishly don’t want it to end.
Almost every day, I wake up with excitement, hearing the pitter-patter of his little feet, looking forward to seeing Harvey peeking through my bedroom door, even though when he sees me he screeches: No KIKI!!! 
Harvey already knows who the disciplinarian in the family is.
We’re all fortunate to still be working, each one of us scattered throughout the house. Everyone fends for themselves for breakfast and lunch…but dinner is the time we all come together for a glass of wine and a massive feast. We all contribute with chopping and cooking, and chez Zadeh, the boys clean up after dinner ;).
Of course, I desperately wish for the world to regain its strength and for public health to be restored. Trust me there are many mornings when I wake up with a knot in my stomach, worried and anxious about the future but I force myself to pause, to take a deep breath and to look around. Ultimately, we will be okay as long as we have our health and are fortunate to live out these challenging times surrounded by the people we love most.
One thing I do miss though, is seeing my friends. Instead I’ve had to make new ones… my friends on Netflix, Prime Video and Sundance/Now. I don’t know about you, but when I go to bed at night I look forward to seeing all these captivating characters: Guillaume in “Le Bureau” (French), the dynamic and smart Russian spies in the Americans, the Professor and his team in “Money Heist” (Spanish), the silly but oh-so-funny cast in “Call my Agent” (French), the brilliant and brave Jewish orthodox woman in “Unorthodox”…I can go on and on. For an ardent cinephile like me, streaming and mint chocolate chip Haagen Dazs ice cream have been my true pleasures which I don’t feel guilty about, except for the few pounds I've put on.
I’ve taken advantage of the lulls in my days to design new pieces that reflect the beauty in a life lived in simplicity. My jewelry has always been imbued with the values I stand for, getting rid of the superfluous to focus instead on the simple pleasures that are right in front of us. As such, the Celine collection was inspired by my time spent with my daughter Celine. She had this ring she purchased few years ago in Israel and she nudged me to design something around it...and here it is! 

I truly hope that you all experience this level of fulfillment in your life, in your own special ways.
Through the support of our community - near and far - I look forward to the other side of this and know that we will get there, together. 

Wishing you and your family lots of warmth, health, and love.

The Journal

Inspiration, and exploration. Connect with who we are at Zadeh through our stories, blog posts, style guides, and more. We write for you.