Our Second Pop Up is Here!

Flowers are popping up - and so are we! You may be wondering why we decided to open another short-term pop up instead of invest in something more permanent. Fair question… Our goal in launching retail is to raise brand awareness. We want to create a mobile retail experience that conveys our lifestyle, aesthetic, and core values, while also making meaningful and lasting relationships in different neighborhoods. Our first pop up in Carnegie Hill did just that. We saw many familiar faces that have grown with the brand and know our story. We also made many new friends, people who were taken by our unique designs and curious to discover more. But pop-ups are not easy and definitely still scary. Not easy because the lease is usually signed at the last minute. That left us with only two days to set up our display cases, install light fixtures, hang photography, and transport all our merchandise from our showroom in Midtown. Thankfully, the space, formerly E by Equinox, was beautifully finished so we didn’t have much to do aesthetically. Scary because we were so fortunate the first go around, I didn’t want to push my luck. But we needed to understand how our store would fare at a different time of year with a new audience. So here we go! People often ask if I enjoy selling as much as I love designing. I feel incredibly lucky that, unlike many other designers who prefer to work behind the scenes, I’m a natural extrovert. I love interacting with people, hearing their stories, and most importantly, bringing a smile to their faces. I often joke that my jewelry is a form of therapy. Not only does the interaction allow me to better understand my customer - their goals, desires, insecurities, relationships, but it also gives me the chance to empower them with confidence and inspire a more positive state of mind. Seeing a smile on their face - that's success. Spreading joy, and selling some jewelry along the way, makes it all worth it.