Our Father's Day Gift

We love meeting our clients in our studio. One of the best parts of our job is getting to know our everyday models and styling them in designer favorites.
The other day, an investment banker made an appointment to buy a few pieces for his wife. He walked into our studio in his classic cut suit, a conservative belt, traditional shoes, and an elegant watch.
After some time with him, we decided on the rose gold buffalo horn bracelet for his wife. As he was walking out, we asked if he would be interested in a bracelet for himself. “I don’t wear jewelry – I only wear a watch. I don’t even wear a ring.”
We asked him to humor us, and try on our Cayenne – the bracelet, not the Porsche. The Cayenne is our gateway drug. He politely complied, visibly uncomfortable. We tied it around his wrist, made the necessary adjustments, and sent him on his way.
Later that night we received a call from his wife, grateful that her husband’s creeping midlife crisis could be eased without a clichéd new sports car.
Sure enough, three months later, he placed another order for three more bracelets – this time, all for him. Some of our best clients have come out of this insistence. Men are often scared off by the idea of wearing jewelry, nervous to accessorize their typically bare arms. We like to push past this hesitation, and more often than not, they’re happy we did.