Hi, my name is Harvey David...Nice to meet you! I am Catherine's grandson. You are probably going to see a lot of me because I am the love of her life....I'll try to be cute. I am sitting here with my dad. He is wearing the Brant and the San Remo (he can't live without them, or me). I can't wait to have my own stack, but grandma says I am too young.

Harvey with a stack of Zadeh bracelets

It's me again....here my "tanty" is carrying me. She can't get enough of me...She thinks I look cute...especially next to her bracelets. I think she likes me.

Sophie holding Harvey

And that's my mom...No matter what my grandma says, she wears only the Brant in yellow gold and the Porte Bonheur...It's really hard to say no to my grandma! I love my mom.


The Journal

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