“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” - Mahatma Gandhi

There are certain values that I lead my life by. Guiding principles, you could call them. They apply to every aspect of my life, personally and professionally. These values have lived within me for years, fluid in their definition and importance at any given time. As I myself have grown, changed, failed and triumphed, so have my values evolved into their current forms. Giving them life through the written word has been an invaluable tool for me, and was only possible through years of living and breathing them. In times of confusion, stress or uncertainty, they are a platform of certainty from which I can most adeptly make my next move. I have made it this far in my career (twenty years, can you believe it?!) thanks in no small part to these core values.

Their beauty lies in the fact that they are universal. They apply to everyone. Perhaps not in the same way or with the same outcome, but I know in my heart they have merit and knowledge to provide to others.

My values are inextricably intertwined with my designs. My jewelry was born of my values, and the meanings of my values have been clarified by the evolution of my jewelry. This is why I designed several pieces that are not only figurative expressions of my values, but literal expressions. These styles are engraved with the words that have done so much for me, and that I will continue to trust in wherever my life takes me. I truly hope that others find value in them as I do.

Dare to dream.

Live and let live.


Carpe diem.

Be true.

Best friends.

Carry happiness.


Best Mom

Best Dad




The Journal

Inspiration, and exploration. Connect with who we are at Zadeh through our stories, blog posts, style guides, and more. We write for you.